Saturday, February 27, 2010

Come swim, bike and run with me!

This is the introductory post I made with my other blog. Goal is to kick off a triathlon chronicle detailing the newest sport I have indulged in...

"Not one. Not two. But three!

Yes. That is the lure, and challenge, of becoming a triathlete. Check out the latest addition to my array of blogs...

This features my journey from a multi player sport to the one that ultimately challenges one's biggest, fiercest and arguably toughest nemesis - ONESELF!

Come, swim, bike and run with me!!


The recent sport I have competed lately is badminton. For basketball, it was way back in 2008.

Practically almost the whole of 2009 saw me engaged more on my work and career than on taking care of my health and my body. Now work is taking its toll.


This year, I am determined to reverse the trend and start triathlon!
Join me as I chronice my journey from corporate athlete to Tri athlete!