I am really amazed how time flies eversince my 2nd triathlon attempt last May. In the months since, these are some of the sporting events that has shaped my fitness.
I have maintained at least 2 to 3 times of exercise, ranging from swimming, biking or running. And just recently with the initiative of a social friend, we had basketball with church kids twice in a month in August!
And oh by the way, the main reasons my weekend is occupied since May is the fact that our Alumni school is host for this season's Inter school alumni basketball every saturday afternoon from 4pm onwards. So simply my routine has been that saturday AM is spent on long bike rides followed by family brunch then rest. Afternoon is spent on arranging games, studying events and responding to financial matters of the tournament.
Sundays is devoted to morning ritual of 15-20 min swim, followed by my sending my kids to the MRT. Soon after I will spend some time devoting to the WORD so I can pray over the congregation.
Routine. Repetitive. Habit. Powerful shapers of life and success of a person. Success hinges on the habits we have developed over the years. Habits, at least the right ones, gets us from a life of mediocrity to a life of small successes built to become huge ones.
Develop the right habits,routine and guaranteed a person to be a successful ones one day.