Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 7 - holiday bike


This I try not to become. Woke up with a bit of a headache but still trained. Covered 25km on my usual route. Stopped for a quick Indian patty breakfast and coffee at mid point. 

One thing I miss on these training days is the amount of "quiet time" I have on the road. With at least an hour being away from emails, work tasks, mgmt cares, it's good to devote these sessions for some deep thinking. Some people use running, others swimming, still others engage in sports or meditation. 

In all cases I believe one needs to be detached for at least a while so one can readily engage and be at top form.

And one has to try to steer clear of this big P!

Day 6 - Sunday swim


That's how I describe my 300 m swim. Just this distance and my stamina has dwindled like a burning candle.

The good part about swimming - you feel really good after a workout. The downside? One craves for a good size meal with twice as many calories.

Nonetheless I've managed to squeeze 1 hour of training including travel to and fro,  getting dressed up, shower etc. 

Slowly inching my way to tip top fitness!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 5 training

Squeezed early morning bike ride today. But simply covered 20km. So much domestic chores waiting.

Pace is good. For the longest time I could feel my sweet dripping my forehead again. Its liberating!

Meanwhile my bike gear needs a makeover too! Its nearing 4 years since I had it set up for triathlon. The bike computer is intermittent. Saddle feels steely (ouch!). But the mechanical fixtures are all in superb condition!

Nonetheless with golf taking a back seat until Rorys able to hold a club, triathlon is here to stay...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 2, 3 and 4

After the bike ride on sunday, my weekdays havent been as productive.

So what I ended up doing is to hit the gym after office hours instead.

Managed to hit tuesday, wednesday and thursday. But sadly the gym is under repair. So I have to make do with what is available.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

2015 Triathlon Journey

Day 1: 20km bike ride

Whew! Its been a ho hum ride coming off from  a week of bad colds.. but hey this is life. No matter what the set backs are, if one falls pick up the piesces and move one.