Ok ok, after another health scare in May 1st 2017, ( this time hypertension attack), I had to reclaim my health!
And so the first order of business is to refrain from eating too much rice at night, eat more salads, less intake of carbs, and oily food and most of all - RELAX!
My BP was up at an unprecedented 145/95 back in May week1. On normal days, I was always 120/80 since young. In addition, my cholesterol shot up to 296 (highest ever since I am monitoring this number). My liver SGPT is also on the high side. And so - at the doctors prodding-
1. Medication for my lives - GODEX!
2. Medz for my cholesterol - Renostatin
3. Medz for HT - Lozartan Pottassium!
After taking these meds for 2 months, and struggling to keep focus on sleeping before 12 midnight, I felt better. Going back to my doctor, I was told yet again to continue medication for another month before doing a blood rest to determine improvement.
Meanwhile, been having a blast riding my saddle for the past 3 weeks (june 24 holiday started everything).